016 Bubble Slime

Everything these slithering slimes touch is poisoned, so take heed and have some antidotal herbs or a Squelch spell to hand.

After a day off spent relaxing in a poisonous pool to invigorate their venomousness, they bubble much more brightly.

Exp.: 24
Gold: 18

Family: Slime
Items dropped: Antidotal herb (1/8), Slimedrop (1/8)
Where to find: Western Stornway, Zere

Battle Info

Max. HP: 23
Max. MP: 4

Attack: 26
Defence: 15
Agility: 8

Elemental Aversions: Takes 1.25x damage from Light.
Ailment Affinities: 25% resistance to Sleep; 50% resistance to Dazzle and Paralyze.